23 Feb Where in the Yorkshire Wolds can you see the most beautiful wall paintings?
In the gem of a church at the village of Garton on the Wolds of course.
When people think of the Yorkshire Wolds, they are more likely to think of beautiful, unspoilt, rolling countryside not churches but they’re missing out! The churches of the Wolds are unique and unusual and it’s all down to the dedication and money of two men – The Fourth and Fifth Baronets Tatton Sykes from Sledmere.

From 1856 – 1913, they set about restoring, repairing and rebuilding 18 churches in their local area using the best architects of the age. This included the church of St Michael in Garton on the Wolds. They wanted to create places of Christian art and worship and spent the equivalent of £15million in today’s money to achive that.
From the outside the chuch is a normal, albeit lovely, Norman church but once you open the door you enter a totally ethereal world of beautiful delicate paintings which photos really can’t do justice too. It feels like every bit of the building is covered in them. They depict stories and characters from both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. You certainly don’t need to be religious to appreciate the affect they create!
In 1872, the 5th Baronet employed the renowned architect GE Street to furnish the church and he was responsible for the paintings. He worked with Clayton and Bell who were glaziers to ensure that the stained glass was in keeping with the paintings and they definitely all did a great job!

If you’d like to see the spectacular paintings for yourself, then please get in touch to arrange a tour of the Wolds with me.